Start A Window Cleaning Service, Business suits your individual style
For people who want to own their own business but would rather choose an opportunity that has proven successful for many others rather than gambling on developing their own system, a franchise is the way to go. Also, most franchises provide a degree of marketing support--particularly in the area of national advertising and name recognition--that's extremely difficult for individuals to match.
In the long run, you'll likely invest far less money operating as an independent service than as part of a franchise. Also, as an independent, you're not tied to any pre-established formulas for concept, name, services offered, etc. That's both an advantage and a drawback. The advantage is that you can do things your way. The drawback is that you have no guidelines to follow. Everything you do, from defining your market to cleaning a bathtub, is a result of trial and error. As an independent owner, you must research every aspect of the business, both before and during your business's lifetime, so you'll start right and adapt to market changes.
Whether you're a seasoned veteran in the window cleaning business or a totally clueless window cleaner, if your looking to start your own business that can make you as much as $500 per day, our Window Cleaning Business package will help you get started.This comprehensive hands-on guide is a simplified, easy to read course on exactly how to get started the right way. We will show you how to attract customers, and turn a one man operation into into a full time money machine. Our package will give you the edge over the rest of the other packages offered on the net. There are no packages as complete as ours. Take this opportunity and embrace it! This package has helped hundreds of people in getting into the window cleaning business with high success rate.
This means you can build a company that suits your individual style and talents. If you like doing the work yourself, you can stay small and do so. If your skills are more administrative in nature, you can build and manage teams to do the work. For people who like working outside, the opportunities in service areas such as window cleaning and pressure washing are abundant. Residential maid services offer fairly predictable hours; disaster restoration and cleanup can mean calls at all hours of the day or night.
Few industries offer this tremendous range of choices and opportunities, and the need for general and niche cleaning is expected to increase in the future.